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My Pandemic

 I have tried blogs in the past, and sometimes, I do very well, while at other times it can be spotty at best.

For me, the pandemic has been neither great nor horrid. Being an introvert I draw my strength from solitude. Over the past 15 months or so, I have had a lot of solitude.

There have been some significant changes in my life, though. The biggest one happened last July when I sold my beloved 2009 Chevy Equinox. I really did love that truck, but it was 11 years old and was becoming a financial burden. I was also having some health issues, such as experiencing lightheadedness while driving, and once or twice, dizziness. That can be scary when you are driving down crowded city streets. So, I made the decision to sell the truck, get as much for it as I could, and pick up the challenge of life without my own vehicle. Life did not change all that much, but then again, for the past 15 months, there really haven't been too many places to go.

The development of online shopping has been great for me. I have always hated shopping. I hate crowds. I hate waiting in lineups. So, when I discovered Instacart, a company that will do my shopping for me and deliver my groceries/products to me within two hours, it was kind of like winning the lottery. The only downside that I have seen with this is that you do have to order $35 worth of products in order to get free delivery. It's fine if you have $35 or more to buy, but if you need just a few things, you have to wait until you can build an order that is more than $35. It is really a small price to pay for the convenience.

I should write another post for mental health. I can imagine that many people have suffered greatly during the pandemic, but not so with me. Like I said, that is for another post.
